HashList for key:value pairs

In Prolog if you need to use hashes you can use Dicts, but for small number of kv-pairs it is overkill.

In such cases use the HashList that I invented ;). It is very easy and you can use it as a Two way hash too. Very handy.

% HashList utils : [ key1:val1, key2:val2, ... ], also can be used as TwoWaysHash
keys(HL,Res) :- maplist(\I^K^(I = K:_),HL,Res).
vals(HL,Res) :- maplist(\I^V^(I = _:V),HL,Res).
val(Key,HL,Res) :- member(Key:Res,HL).
key(Val,HL,Res) :- member(Res:Val,HL).


?- use_module(library(lambda)).

?- H = [first:john, last:doe, city:huston, state:tx],

H = [first:john, last:doe, city:huston, state:tx],
Keys = [first, last, city, state],
Vals = [john, doe, huston, tx],
Val = huston,
Key = city .