
Display 2D array

#for visual purpose : with row/col labels
def data_frame(ary,rows,cols):
	frame = pd.DataFrame(ary,columns=cols)
	frame.insert(0,'x', rows )
	return frame


You can define Singleton class manually, but if you want to create multiple different Singleton classes on the fly then you can use the function below :

#Factory : to create Singleton classes
def singleton(new_klass, klass): 

	def new(cls, *args, **kvargs):
		if not hasattr(cls, 'instance'):
			cls.instance = klass(*args, **kvargs)
		return cls.instance

	globals()[new_klass] = type(new_klass, (object,), {'__new__' : new})


#apply different reduce-fun at every lvl of hierarchy
#! on firt call len(lol) must be > 2
def deep_reduce(funs, LoL):

	def isi(a): return isinstance(a, (list,tuple,types.GeneratorType)) #or is_iter(a)
	def calc(a,b):
		# print('--=', funs[0],a,b)
		a1 = deep_reduce(funs[1:], a) if isi(a) else a
		b1 = deep_reduce(funs[1:], b) if isi(b) else b
		return funs[0](a1,b1)	

	if isi(LoL): return reduce(calc,LoL)
	else: return LoL

Check if INTEGER

#.isdigit() and .isnumeric() dont detect negative ints
def is_int(astr):
	isit = True
	try: int(astr)
	except ValueError: isit = False	
	return isit