Programming FAQ

How long it takes to learn a programming language ?

In general 3 to 6 months for the language itself, but it all depends on so many factors that it is hard to say. Once you learn the language the next hurdle is to learn the frameworks and libraries you would need for productive use.

Can a self-thought programmer find a job ?

Not just YES, but YEAH, most good and best paid programmers are self thought. It has to be that way.

Is coding a good carrier ?

It is very nice carrier, you get paid to think and solve puzzles.

Does coding require math ?

Generally NO. More important is comprehending the computer concepts and the capability of a person to apply divide and conquer strategy. Ability to reduce abstract problem to simple tasks. And then do it again and again.

How much coding pay ?

Good enough. You will have enough money after you pay the bills.

Can I learn programming online ?

… todo

Can I learn programming for free ?

Certainly, if you have the will and time.

Can I learn coding without any knowledge?

You sure can, the question is will you do it. That is not rhetorical question. So many people have asked me year after year, should I start now, what about now ….
And after 5 years working a shitty job tell they should have done when I told them for first time. No risk, no reward, everything is trade-off.

How difficult is coding ?

The basic stuff is average difficulty. Once you are can pass past those it does not become super hard it is just different kind of difficulty.
If you learn and get a job you will fall in one of three categories : the COG in the assembly line, boring but pays the bills, the MONEY made me do it and they are CRAZY to pay me do this.

How many hours a day should I practice coding?

Practice is until you learn the basics. No practice after that. Next you have to start solving problems. Sometimes ZERO hours a day, sometimes ALL day.

How long will it take to learn Python?

For a beginner 2 to 3 months otherwise 1-3 weeks. We are talking just the language of course.

How long will it take to learn C++ ?

More than 5 months I suspect, if you start from scratch.

How can I learn programming fast?

By experimenting/doing more. Less thinking more doing.

What is the difference between coding or programming ?

It’s semantics … some people say there is difference, for me they are synonymous.

Is programming hard to learn?

I would say there are two modes of “hardness“.
In some sense it is easier than natural language in other it is harder. For some people the harder part is the linguistic level : the syntax and the myriad ways of combining terms, for other the need to mentally shift from day to day heuristic thinking to algorithmic and logical thinking.
Another hurdle is that your opinion does not matter the program either works or doesn’t. People get easily frustrated.

How quickly can I learn coding?

Very quickly, if you started two month ago.

Is Python coding worth learning?

You are asking this question for one of the most popular programming language in the world ?

What percent of programmers are self-taught?

Most of the good ones are self-thought.

Is coding a stressful job?

It is in waves … sometimes it is stressful other times it is blaze.

Are coders still in demand?

Certainly, no need to worry for the next at least 20 years.

Does programming require high IQ?

You would think so. I suppose it requires IQ around and above average. It is more like a craft, some people like to tinker with widgets or cars. Programmers like to tinker with concepts and thoughts.

Can anyone do coding?

Not everyone, but most can. It is the same as any other profession.

Can I learn to code at 40?

As long as you can think clearly and are you eager to learn the age does not matter much.

How much do beginner coders make?

There is non-coder jobs that require some programming that pay on par with Mid-level coders.

What do coders do all day?

Watch youtube :). On serious note : research, code, test, fix, repeat ! … except the drooling meetings and “paper”-work.

Is coding a boring job?

If you don’t like thinking and tinkering then yes.

Which computer course is best for high salary?

… todo

Where do I start coding?

On your computer

Is Python for free?

Certainly, most programming languages are Open source.

Where can I practice coding for free?

Anywhere ! f.e. here ! Learn Python

Which are the hardest languages ?

That would be System languages i.e. languages that are more close to the hardware such as Assembler, C, C++.
But also languages that require different mindset : Haskell, Prolog, Elixir/Erlang, Lisp
And third languages that have unnatural syntax : Perl, Lisp
People are hostile or in love for some reason to the last two categories.

Which programming languages are best for the future ?

By my current observations Python, JavaScript and Java are here to stay for foreseeable future.

In what order should i learn programming languages ?

The triplet : Python, JavaScript, Java
The Web : JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Java
System Administration : AWK, Perl, Python or Ruby
System programming : C, Rust, C++
Machine Learning : Python … Math

What is API ?

API is shorthand for Application programming Interface. It is like a contract between the provider of the API and the consumer. It guarantees the consumer stability that he can develop his software w/o worry of constant change.

What is Software Developer ?

Software Developer is synonymous to computer programmer, programmer, coder. It is person who writes/develops software i.e. applications, services, libraries …

Best first language to learn programming ?

I would say Python, because is easy to learn, very popular and you will learn basic concepts.