JavaScript FAQ

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is dynamically typed language.. it is the de facto language of the web.

What can JavaScript programs do ?

You can use it primary to write Browser and/or Web server application.

What is the most important in JavaScript?

Understanding Functions and objects.

What you must know in JavaScript?

How to write Functions, create objects, interact with HTML DOM …

What is scope in JavaScript ?

Scope in every programming language including JavaScript designates the accessibility/visibility and lifetime of variables and Functions.

What is callback in JavaScript?

Callback is function passed as argument or stored in variable which is called at later time.

What is JavaScript closure?

closure is a function that returns a function which continues to have access to the local environment as long as it is active.

What is == and === in JavaScript?

== is used to compare two variables, === compares two variables and their types

What is prototype in JavaScript?

Prototype is the mechanism by which any object/class inherits features from other objects/classes.